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I founded The Bitcoin Tutor to provide quality Bitcoin education to everyone. Like many of you, I grew up during the War on Terror and graduated college as the 2008 Financial Crisis was unfolding, the effects of which are still being felt across the globe today. My interest in Bitcoin led to time spent researching topics such as the histories of money, monetary policy, and cryptography. My goal with The Bitcoin Tutor is to provide education for anyone to confidently access Bitcoin through learning guides, articles, and free private consulting. By enabling more people through education to safely and securely buy and store Bitcoin, complete transactions, run a node, open/manage channels and more, we are creating a more secure future for our families, our communities, and our world.  



How does The Bitcoin Tutor buy Bitcoin?

Swan Bitcoin

**Sign up today and receive $10 in free Bitcoin** 


Use the Visa Fold App and earn Bitcoin back on every purchase!


Technical Support

Bitcoin Exchanges

Mobile Wallets

Hardware Wallets

Cold Storage

Custodial vs. Non-Custodial

Node Set-Up and Operation

Lightning Network


Hardware Wallets

Node Set-Up and Operation

Please contact us with any Bitcoin questions you have. Remember: NEVER provide ANYONE from our website or any other website with your personal information when seeking technical advice. 

Thank you for visiting.

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